Welcome to 14th Annual New York & New Jersey Pain Medicine Congress Abstract System!

If you have any problem, when using the system please contact our colleagues in e-mail: support@congressline.hu

Please check your internet Browser! System runs perfectly under the following or newer browsers: for downloading a new browser please click the choosen browser logo

4.0 13.0 5.0 11.0 9.0

Former Internet Explorer versions like 8.0 is not recommended, it might cause disfunctions.


I am not able to add my Institute, Department and City. I am clicking the ADD button, but nothing happens.
Please check your browser, because you are using likely Internet Explorer 7.0Internet Explorer 7.0 version, it might cause disfunctions. You can download other browser from the abstract system log-in page

How to check my browser?
Open any internet site. Click on "Help" menu of the browser and check “About Internet Explorer”

The system does not accept my email address
Please do not use capital letters in your e-mail address.

I clicked the Save and Preview button and nothing happens

Please check all submitted data, look for error messages and please correct or fill missing fields
Examples for frequent messages:

  • Please select presenting author!
  • Please check your abstract length! minimum character 1000 …etc.

I clicked the Save and Preview button, but the system did not save my abstract
After clicking the Save and Preview button, you can check your abstract’s preview.
If you want to modify it, you can select edit button.
If the preview is ok, click the save button and your abstract will be submitted.